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Inspiring the Next Generation of Electricians

Inspiring the Next Generation of Electricians
17TH JUNE 2020

During the weeks of standstill, MDE is running an educational initiative that helps ‘Inspire the Next Generation of Electricians.’

Our Electrical Engineers are building simple electrical circuits with their sons, daughters, nieces, and nephews at home with household materials.

A fun experiment which passes the time whilst also inspiring our children to think about pursuing a career as an Electrician.

8-year-old Gerard McBride from Kells, Co Meath built this super circuit with the support of his Dad Pearse Mc Bride. Pearse and Gerard used an old set of Christmas lights to make the circuit.

Pearse explains how Gerard was ‘proud as punch’ when he flicked the switch. “It works!” he said.

Well done to Gerard and Pearse for their hard work.